Step one in removing my carefully designed facade as being a trendy muso type person - I read comics. Lots of them. Have done since I was a small person, still do now that I'm a small but older person.
So, with that out the way, here's what I'm looking forward to this week, from Comiclist.
52 Week #3
Infinite Crisis never really did it for me, yet I'm comitting myself to a weekly comic from DC. Odd. I blame the Grant Morrison factor. Having Montoya and The Question in the bok doesn't hurt either. Now if only that entire run of Denny O'Neill Questions that I bought from Ebay the other day would hurry up and arrive...
Batman #653
I'll read this somehow, probably. Don't plan to pay money for it though. I usually like James Robinson but so far the story has left me cold. Not to worry, Dini and Morrison are just round the corner.
Birds Of Prey #94
My enjoyment of this is dwindling a bit, but it's still a way better than most DC books.
Catwoman #55
Didn't plan to stick with this after Brubaker left, but it's not been too bad without him, so I'm still onboard for now at least.
Checkmate #2
Issue one wasn't bad, so I'll check this out in TPB. I'd rather be reading Queen & Country though.
Hawkgirl #52, $2.99
Simonson & Chaykin. That's enough to get me to buy it.
Hellblazer #220
Denise Mina has done OK so far, and it is quite fun to see John in Glasgow. Storyline really needs to start speeding up though, or Hellblazer will be back off my buy list, just like it was when Mike Carey bored me shitless.
Loveless Vol 1 A Kin Of Homecoming TPB
Cheap, so getting purchased. Azzarello is hit & miss. 100 Bullets is wonderful, most other stuff, not so much.
Teen Titans #36, $2.99
Been buying Teen Titans in collections so far, so I'll get this when it in TPB. Curious to see how the continuity train wreck that is the Doom Patrol will be handled.
Avengers & Power Pack Assemble #2 (Of 4)
These Power Pack minis are fun, so when this goes to cheap digest collection, I'll pick it up then. Issue one had an unitentionally hilarious cover too, as bad design led to Captain America abscuring part of the title, leaving anyone who didn't know better to think it was called Avengers & Power Pack Ass, which is just plain weird.
Black Widow Things They Say About Her TPB
I really should stop buying collections of mini series that I already have, but never mind.
Daredevil #85
Brubaker, Lark. Slam dunk.
Iron Man #8
As appealing as the thought of the creator of Carnivale writing Iron Man is, I'll pass.
New Avengers #19
Yeah, it's not really all that great, but it's not bad enough to stop me reading it. And I'm a filthy Bendis whore, obviously.
New Thunderbolts Vol 3 Right Of Power TPB
Reading this in collections. It's alright, but now I'm a jobless bum, it might be on the chopping block once money starts to run out.
Nextwave Agents Of Hate #5
Not quite as funny as it thinks it is, but good enough, despite being written by Warren Ellis, who I don't hold in very high esteem.
Powers #18
Again, Bendis whore. His best book by miles though, so it's ok.
Sensational Spider-Man #26
Meh. I wish this would get cancelled, since the effort it takes to remove it from my regular order is too much for a man of apathy like me.
She-Hulk 2 #8
Not as entertaining as it used to be, but always worth it for Awesome Andy if nothing else.
Spider-Man Black Cat Evil That Men Do Marvel Premiere HC
I really should stop buying expensive hard covers of mini series I already own... A combination of my strange fetish for hardcovers (seriously, slap something in a hefty cover and stick a dust jacket on it and the odds of me buying it skyrocket) and my liking of Kevin Smith mean I'm buying this anyway.
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #6
I'm not a teenage manga loving American girl, but that doesn't mean I can't read comics aimed at them, does it?
X-Factor #7
Not as good as the Madrox mini, and I don't much like Peter David, but probably the best regular series with an X on it nonetheless.
X-Statix Presents Dead Girl #5 (Of 5), $2.99
Peter Milligan doing weird shit. Count me in.
Thrud The Barbarian #1
Hopefully I can chase down a copy of this. Thrud is always highly entertaining.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
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"Step one in removing my carefully designed facade as being a trendy muso type person - I read comics"
i side of jim we never knew!!
ha ha. don't worry.
though you definitely read more than i do. i just read this post at sevenhells.blogspot that shot me down. it was describing girls who read sandman and y: the last man. and how that is expected. and i read those too. whoops. no but really i'm all about defying stereotypes. . .
i definitely read more DC than marvel, though i'm limited to GL and JLA, and JLA I left when Joe Kelley left.
i've always wanted to get into hellblazer but never knew where to start!
the problem with me is that i have to go down to times square to get comics and even though it's not that far, i'm a lazy fuck. i usually wait for the collections. sometimes i get my comic fix from spoilt! which gives summaries for all the crossovers so you don't have to buy them all.
Might have known you'd be the first person to follow me over here :)
I read Sandman & Y The Last Man too, does that make me all girlie?
As for Hellblazer, the Garth Ennis run is probably the best bet for a new reader, starting with Dangerous Habits. Outside of his stuff, the best Hellblazer stuff isn't collected.
Spoilt! is quite handy for keeping tabs on things I have a passing interest in, but don't want to buy. But then, so is Bittorrent :)
I must be a stalker or something. . . And I have more bad news- I think it does mean you're all girlie. Maybe you can redeem yourself but it may be difficult :) I'm not sure how you'd go about it.
As for Hellblazer- Garth Ennis, Dangerous Habits. Got it. Thank you very much! I'd always flip through collections at the bookstore but there are so many I just give up. The only Hellblazer related thing I've read is an appearance by John in a Sandman issue.
Oh yeah- just following up on the Kyle Rayner mask thing- it wasn't a mask. It was. . . like. . . the cosmos. I'm not sure.
So I'm girlie... damn! I must go chop wood and build things to re-assert my manlyness. Hey, at least I've got a stalker though, so it's not all bad.
Mask Vs Cosmos, still no excuse for another butt ugly costume design, and just makes me think oven more of Captain Marvel and his cosmic awareness deal.
If you don't enjoy Hellblazer well, erm, it's my first day?
i guess you could build a canoe. that plus having a stalker might (just mabye) do some good. and if i don't like the hellblazer comic. . . i'll just blame you anyway. i went down to barnes and noble the other day to look for it, but they didn't have it, so still looking for it.
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