Monday, June 05, 2006


Nice work Jim, start a new blog then neglect it even more than you do the old one.

In my defense, several drinking opportunities presented themselves and not being the type of man to refuse the chance to drink my body weight in Guinness (not that impressive really, I'm a skinny wretch) I've gladly accepted, conveniently forgetting my whole must-save-money-I-have-no-job scenario.

Plus, after me dissing Scottish weather on Bring Me the Heads, it's been really nice since about ten minutes after I posted Imperial Teen. Naturally I try to avoid the sun, since my skin has two colours - ghost white & lobster red - bright light isn't my natural environment.

So there you go. I may be a lazy bugger, but I always manage to think up an excuse.

1 comment:

b said...

This excuse is better than the other one. But at least the weather is (was?) nice! It got cooler here- June gloom.